By Kimberly Samboy
After two weeks of classes, Bright Leaders League concluded their online camp with an in-person meeting in the Dominican Congress. During the program, students learned about building a life based on leadership and service to help in their communities.
“Young leaders, engineers of the future, and architects of the present, today we finish a journey that opens us the door of excellence path. Bright Leaders League has been the perfect place to impulse our leadership and become hope amplifiers, dreams spokespeople” said María, a student, during her speech.
This organization, founded in 2021, has helped over 400 high school students through its summer program during the past four years. This edition was focused on creating a long-lasting impact and guiding with purpose.
“Today we celebrate all the friendships, personal growth, and the young interest in practice leadership with impact,” the organization director José Valdez said.
Every summer, more than 700 students apply to be part of the course, but only 100 get to take part. The selection process evaluates their academic career and the initiatives they have made in their town.
The program consists of big meetings and small group activities, where the students learn about self-knowledge, entrepreneurship, college life and research, receiving a holistic perspective of leading a group.
Preparing the content takes months for the academic department. They align the organization’s priorities with society’s necessities, bringing a new path and a unique curriculum every year.
This method has served as a guide for students who later make a difference in their community, winning international awards and scholarships in the most competitive universities in the Dominican Republic, United States, Spain, Germany and Korea.
After the program ends, participants keep in touch as an online community where they share new events, content, and initiatives to collaborate with the other bright leaders, making a connection that goes beyond the two weeks of online meetings.
The staff is led by Dominican Ivy League students who are compromised with bringing back to their country the knowledge they have gained with higher education to high school students with fewer opportunities.
As a non-profit organization, this program is free for the students. Also, it is common for students who just graduate to become part of their team as volunteers.
Volunteers in this organization played a big role, from social media content creators to logistics and financial assistance, they have brought their enthusiasm to every session and guided students with authentic service.
“I have firsthand the hard work involved in carrying out this program that at the time I also enjoyed as a student. My organizational skills evolved and I got a better understanding of the importance of being patient, creative, and proactive, keeping calm under pressure, and leading from the shadows,” said Hensely Corporan, a logistic volunteer.
What is Bright Leaders League?
BLL is an organization founded to empower young Dominicans to discover their potential, develop soft skills, and become leaders through service.
The summer program invites them to go beyond their limits, discover their hidden potential, and become social leaders who impact the community by using their soft skills, and innate talents. Also, they learn about how to build strong support networks to create, manage, and direct projects that impact their academic lives and social projects.
“BLL taught not only to shine for everything learned but also to illuminate the path of others who are also brilliant leaders” added Hensely Corporan.