Yale’s forests are similar to land in Maine

To the Editor: As a forester, I have been keenly interested in the unfolding story of the forestland in Maine that is managed for the […]

War of symbols brings problems, not solutions

Today I learned that an oversized American flag suspended from a Hartford overpass was causing traffic delays as rubber-necking motorists contorted themselves to salute it, […]

Who these terrorists are not: dispelling myths, destroying misconceptions

Over the past few days Americans have struggled to make sense of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. How did […]

Imagine that you are the terrorist, prepared to kill, willing to die

Let me ask the reader — sitting in a dining hall somewhere, 20 minutes until class, with a tray of half-eaten food — to imagine […]

We should seek a broader human solidarity

To the Editor: I hope the News’ View (“Heeding the call of our time,” 10/17) is correct in predicting that the era of socially irresponsible […]

Open discussion can be callous and inappropriate

To the Editor: When I started Yale Law School two weeks ago, I was looking forward to becoming part of its esteemed academic community. Although […]

Teach or preach? Lecturing amid a world crisis

Since the terrible attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, many of us on campus have walked around in a state of shock. Our […]

Before the clock turned, a nation full of hope had forgotten tragedy

“We are going to a different world,” said Candide, “and I expect it is the one where all goes well; for I must admit that […]

America’s first casualties of war: its civil liberties

Sitting on my desk is a pin that reads “For President: Convict No. 9653.” The man pictured is bald, and his expression looks like a […]

Once attacks begin, when will conflict end?

To the Editor: My family moved to New Jersey from Jerusalem 15 years ago. I went home this weekend. On our answering machine there were […]

Leaders must lead, not make rash decisions

To the Editor: At the most fundamental level, the tragic events of last week are simply examples of interclan violence, a legacy of primitive ways […]