October 16, 2023
“Panjo’s a tiger: orange fur, black stripes, intrusive thoughts. An actual tiger. But in 2012 or maybe ‘11 or maybe ‘13, Panjo began to dream."
December 9, 2022
At the periphery of wealth and power and desperately holding on to the shreds of my idealism, these photos are keepsakes of a place which I hope to keep within me as I pass through life.
October 30, 2022
October 14, 2021
Take a drive all the way up Prospect Street, then hang a left where the road ends, then a right where it ends again. Keep […]
January 21, 2019
See page 18 in the print magazine or on issuu for the full photo spread. It was a late evening in September, and I ran […]
May 5, 2018
To understand the conflict, one has to first picture peace.
September 19, 2017
December 16, 2016
The goal I had in mind was to capture a couple in their home and displace them through shadows, barriers—mirrors, walls, doors, windows—and visual geometries. […]
September 26, 2016
In the event of an apocalypse please — exit through the rear doors to the parking lot. Walk (do not run) along the shores of […]
Seventy-five soldiers clad in knee breeches, scarlet waistcoats and either bearskin shakos or feathered chapeaux march three-by-three down the center of Church Street shouldering muskets […]
April 28, 2016