Yishai Schwartz
SCHWARTZ: Lingering

I get wistful and consider what advice I might have given myself four years ago. One word comes to mind: linger.

SCHWARTZ: Embracing identity

I wonder whether underlying our collective indifference is some deeper antagonism toward identity.

SCHWARTZ: Moses and Jesus at the table

All too often it seems that Yale is more melting pot than tossed salad; values soften, orthodoxies crumble and a gray sameness takes hold.

SCHWARTZ: Too much stuff

The real problem is that the constant stream of speakers on campus crushes any kind of cohesive, campus-wide engagement with our guests and their ideas.

SCHWARTZ: For an ombudsman

According to his public response to the Marshall report, President Levin tabled the creation of the position of ombudsman out of fear that it would inhibit the streamlining and simplification of resources. This concern is unfounded and completely counterintuitive.

SCHWARTZ: Three great givers

At a time when donors expect constant honor and accolades, the desired secrecy of Sterling and Feeney is as beautiful as it is unusual.

SCHWARTZ: Ignore the dirty details

Insist on disclosure, transparency and reforms where they belong. At the same time, we ought remember that mockery is not journalism and gossip is not advocacy.

SCHWARTZ: Quit the conspiracies

Why do intelligent people fall for absurd conspiracy theories? That question has been on my mind for a week or two as I’ve followed the Republican attempt to discredit U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice over her Benghazi statements. But it has only grown more pronounced as I read some of the recent criticism of Yale-NUS.

SCHWARTZ: Is Yale all about compliments?

The success of Yale Compliments and the turnout for the Vita Bella panel are connected. Together, they tell a story about a strange malady that overtakes most of us during our time here and points in the direction of a cure.

SCHWARTZ: Unequal before the law

Justice is impartial; she takes no notice of an individual’s status or position in society. Given this bedrock assumption of total equality before the law, it becomes uncomfortable to suggest that the law ought to look more favorably on some by virtue of their service. But this discomfort is misplaced.

SCHWARTZ: Remember the concession

Yesterday began frenetically. Students woke to find the campus grounds littered with posters and flyers pasted all over our hallways. Student political activists rose early […]