Yi-Ling Liu
Contributing Reporter
Yi-Ling Liu is a freshman at Silliman college who was born and raised in Hong Kong. She is thinking about majoring in English, Literature, or Political Science.
Author Archive
The Many Masks of Sabir Abdussabur

It is 11:32 p.m., Saturday night in New Haven, chilly after a day of rain. I am waiting with my bike on Elm Street, by […]

Treading clouds and shelling peas

“Mrs. Bell says nothing. Mrs. Bell is as silent as the grave.” This was how Virginia Woolf described the works of her sister, Vanessa Bell, […]


We all knew about Koh Samui. At the beginning of every summer, the graduating seniors of the Chinese International School, all ninety-something of them, would […]

Leaving the Valley

Of the few dozen transfer students currently attending Yale College, nine hail from a two-year, 26-person, all-male college located on a ranch in the middle […]

Tiptoeing around the Great Firewall of China

I remember the first passage they deleted. A smattering of sentences in the middle of the second page, describing Wenceslas Square, Prague, as the site […]