Will Kletter
Kletter: Volunteering is its own reward

Members of Yale for Change, a group uniting the Yale College Democrats and Yale for Obama, were upset at the News last week for an […]

Kletter: Stay inspired, stay active

Nov. 5, 2008: Millions of student activists around the country wake up to a crushing hangover after an all-night celebration of an Obama blowout. After […]

Yalies cannot afford to overlook social security

We’re all out to save the world. Whether we’re political activists pulling for our candidate or advocates on behalf of [insert disenfranchised group here], or […]

Dem_talk rakes more muck than primaries

“Your link-posting skills are as effective as Biden’s campaign.” Ah, primary season on the Yale Dem_talk panlist (a political discussion forum associated with the Yale […]

To save energy at Yale, incentives do the trick

A few days ago, I walked into the Pierson College dining hall and found my friendly neighborhood Student Taskforce for Environmental Partnership (STEP) coordinator waiting […]