Victor Wang
Staff Reporter
Author Archive
GESO rebrands itself Local 33

With the rebranding, the organization, which has clashed with Yale over its union status since 1990, has now further affiliated itself with the University’s two recognized blue collar unions, Local 34 and Local 35.

For diverse faculty, admin roles hinder teaching

In spring 2014, 26 students enrolled in history and American Studies professor Mary Lui’s Asian-American history class. Last fall, that number spiked to 90, according to course demand statistics on the day final schedules were due.

Profs, admins clash over budgeting

Tensions have escalated in the past year between University administrators and Faculty of Arts and Science professors over budget negotiations affecting departments and initiatives in the humanities, social sciences and physical sciences.

Harvard sees new pass-fail policies

The Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences voted Tuesday to approve an overhaul of the college’s General Education requirements that will allow students to fulfill as many as half the requirements pass-fail.

MacMillan to guarantee grad fellowships

The MacMillan Center, a research center for international affairs, will beginning this summer guarantee fellowships to all eligible Ph.D. students in the humanities and social sciences and raise the cap on those fellowships from $15,000 to $18,000.

Joint brief filed against grad student unions

Alongside eight of its peer institutions, Yale filed an amicus brief on Monday to the National Labor Relations Board to argue against a pending Columbia University case on graduate student unionization.

Yale files joint amicus brief against graduate student unionization

Alongside other elite universities and colleges, Yale filed an amicus brief on Monday to the National Labor Relations Board to argue against a pending Columbia University case on graduate student unionization.

Harvard grad students back union effort

The announcement by the Harvard Graduate Students Union-United Auto Workers merely underlines the central challenge faced by graduate student unionization movements across the country.

Harvard replaces “house master”

Following more than two months of deliberation, Harvard announced Wednesday that the university’s house masters will now be called faculty deans.

ER&M plays role in ethnic center

The announcement last week of a new Center for the Study of Race, Indigeneity and Transnational Migration has brought greater attention to problems with racial and ethnic studies at Yale, while also shedding light on possible paths for improvement.

ULA success spurs discussion

With the introduction last fall of CS50, otherwise known as CPSC 100, the University for the first time hired undergraduate students as learning assistants.
