The Yale Daily News
Friday’s XC | 10.11

For students fond of late-night strolls in cemeteries and walking among the dead, the New Haven Museum is now offering Lantern Tours of Evergreen Cemetery.

Prank honors Charles B. Johnson

A group of pranksters showed their thanks to Charles Johnson ’54, recent donor of $250 million to the university, by "renaming" many buildings in his honor. Blue paper signs with new names were put up on Yale building plaques, with the note "[as] a sign of our gratitute to Charles Bartlett Johnson '54, this building is hereby renamed." Some of the more creative re-labelings included "William L. 'Charles B. Johnson' Harkness Hall," "Bass-Johnson Library," and lastly, Woodbridge Hall is now temporarily "Johnsonbridge Hall."

Thursday’s XC | 10.10

In a show of Ivy League camaraderie Dartmouth wished Yale a ‘Happy birthday from Hanover!’ on Facebook.

FOOTBALL: Four Bulldogs awarded by Ivy League

Four members of the football team were honored in the weekly awards handed out by the Ivy League.

Tuesday’s XC

Yalies on the West Coast waved goodbye to the summer of ’13 with the “last pool party of 2013” held on Saturday at the W Hotel in Westwood.

Monday’s XC

“As this prevents nearly 75% of Saybrugians from even being eligible to attend and because of how important and expensive the event is, we have elected to postpone Viva's night."

Soiled clothes on display

News photographers documented the incident earlier this morning:

Cross Campus 10.4.13

There is no hell like waiting in a single-file line with dozens of your peers in a basement below L-Dub.

Cross Campus 10.3.13

There appears to be no end to the number of frozen yogurt stores the local economy can support...

Cross Campus 10.2.13

The federal government has shut down, but what will happen to your summer internship?

Wednesday’s Buzz: 8.28.13

THE NEWS Three years from now, much of Sterling Chemistry Laboratory will be unrecognizable after the University completes a $130 million renovation of the building. In […]