Soo Kim
Speaker talks gender, Iraq war

Explaining that women in Iraq are most affected by the ongoing war, women’s rights activist Vivian Stromberg urged students and faculty members to actively protest […]

WYBC enjoys expanded space in Temple St. home

It has been nearly two months since WYBC radio was forced to relocate from its Hendrie Hall studio to the Olympia Building on Temple Street, […]

Lieberman reassures workers at post office

Jittery New Haven post office workers fearing another rash of anthrax attacks received a dose of comfort from their senator Friday. Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman […]

Yalie hired by Phi Beta Kappa as exec. sec.

Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest academic honor society, has named John Churchill GRD ’77 its new executive secretary. Churchill will assume the position of […]

YCC, FCC announce results of elections

Last week 1,254 Yale undergraduates voted online for Yale College Council and Freshman Class Council representatives for the upcoming academic year. After Tuesday’s terrorist attacks […]