Sherry Lee
Staff Columnist
Author Archive
LEE: The language game

During my first years at Yale as a classics major, classical language courses consistently outbid modern languages for space in my schedule. Semester after semester, […]

LEE: In the swing of things

The first time I tried my hand (and two left feet) at swing dancing during a summer at Yale, I was absolutely floored. Or at […]

LEE: A virtuosa performance

Generally, when we think about shattering glass ceilings, we don’t usually start with “orchestra conductor” as the career in most dire need of feminist reform. […]

LEE: Writing on the wall

The decision to rename Calhoun College marked a new chapter in a decadeslong debate on the commemoration of racist figures at Yale. Despite protests that […]

LEE: The little things

Time is indeed ticking on, and we can’t skimp on giving our loved ones their due diligence.

LEE: Our true colors

By premising solidarity on an assumed common experience of systemic racism, the use of this term admits of little nuance, obscuring other sources of inequality.

LEE: A collection of books

Homer. Dante. Cervantes.These names and hundreds more dazzled me in gold from the ornately painted walls and ceiling of a soaring chamber. With my eyes […]

LEE: Dux femina facti

Today, we are faced with two questions: What happens when “dux femina facti”? And what happens when this “feminist experiment” fails?

LEE: Words of warning

The media tends to situate trigger warnings in the context of colleges and universities, but the same debate has played out for much longer in secondary education. Parents of high school students are increasingly vocal about what should be taught or done in schools, fueling the trope of the obsessive “helicopter parent.” In the aftermath of the suicides at my school, it was anxious parents who agitated for a form of “trigger-conscious” censorship — in essence, the erasure of violence and other sensitive subjects from the curriculum

LEE: The woman problem

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has been flagrantly marked by bigoted invectives and allegations of sexual assault. Despite moral outrage mounting against him from liberals and conservatives alike, the defensive vanguard of the Republican Party has held firm before their candidate. That is, until Friday, when The Washington Post exposed a 2005 video of Trump describing his history of sexual predation to Billy Bush.

LEE: De vino veritas

Imagine this: You’re at a party. You’re there with one of your suitemates who has been drinking throughout the night.