Scott Greenberg
GREENBERG: Too many secrets

A Facebook page devoted to secrets indicates a campus culture where we keep too many.

GREENBERG: Please do the reading

Many of us will choose our courses for the semester with no intention of getting through all, or even the majority, of the assigned reading.

GREENBERG: The worst Friday

Consumerism and excess are attractive to the global elite for the same reasons they are attractive to Yale University, for the same reasons they are attractive to Black Friday shoppers. Consumption is driven by status, recognition and instant gratification.

GREENBERG: Don’t hate on the administration

Frankly, I sometimes think that those who don’t believe the Yale administration is responsive to undergraduates’ concerns attend a different university than I do. Off the top of my head, I can think of eight occasions in recent memory where students communicated concerns civilly and respectfully to administrators, who thereupon took substantial, and often prompt, action in response.

GREENBERG: Against politics as usual

Any congressional nominee could refuse to accept money from special interests; any politician could choose to disaffiliate from both parties; and any 25-year-old could begin a candidacy of his or her own.

GREENBERG: Improve academic advising

Yale’s faculty are willing to sit down and discuss our papers and problem sets. But we need to do a better job of talking about the big intellectual questions.

GREENBERG: Vigilant love

Evil will always exist in the world. To defend what we love, we must always be vigilant.

GREENBERG: Fossil free capital

There is no better time than college to reflect upon our responsibilities and decide upon our values, before we are tempted by wealth and convenience.

GREENBERG: YCC knew best

A task like this — nominating a student representative to an administrative committee — is exactly the reason that YCC exist.

GREENBERG: Supplementary change

The Class of 2017 is the first group of Yalies to have told the Admissions Office something about which they changed their minds.

GREENBERG: Eliminating UOC fraud

There is a real problem with the UOC funding process that many of us have heard of but has rarely been discussed in a systematic way: fraud.