Sam Brill
Brill: A new Promise for New Haven

Right here in New Haven, city government is finally gearing up to do something bold for its children. The idea is simple: Any New Haven […]

Brill: Another round of promises

It’s election season in New Haven, and that means it’s time to talk about our city’s public schools. Just ask Mayor-for-life John DeStefano, who somehow […]

Brill: A higher, more even bar

Imagine it’s September 2012. The Yankees are on their way to their fourth consecutive championship, the economy is booming again and for the first time […]

Brill: No more worrying about Jindal

On Tuesday, I may have watched the worst political speech of my short life. And I couldn’t have been more elated. For months, even years, […]

Brill: No gimmicks for schools

After Wednesday night’s presidential debate, I found myself arguing with a friend about the candidates’ education policy. McCain was mostly right, I insisted, that vouchers […]

With visionary education policy, Obama is best bet

This summer, Avery Martinez, a seventh grader from Williamsburg, Queens, convinced me that we need Barack Obama to be our next president. In an advisory […]