Despite the hype, Paul draws just 8 percent in New Hampshire

NASHUA, N.H., 12:38 p.m. — Excitement is growing over a candidate who once didn’t seem to have an ice cube’s hope in hell of getting […]

For New Hampshire fourth graders, it’s voting booths over Game Boys

NASHUA, N.H., 11:42 a.m. — Typically, fourth graders are more interested in their Game Boys than the world of politics, but here in New Hampshire, […]

For some McCain supporters, students included, ‘the happiest moment’ ever

NASHUA, N.H., 1:45 p.m. — Indeed, Arizona Senator John McCain’s campaign still has the Vietnam War feel. Middle-aged men in trenchcoats and sneakers cruise the […]

Vermin Supreme: Standing for time travel and tooth brushing

NASHUA, N.H., 1:30 p.m. — Vermin Supreme has been described by some as “obnoxious.” But, he told the News in an interview last night, this […]

In Henniker, even 8-year-olds watch C-SPAN

HENNIKER, N.H., 1 p.m. — For the people of this small town of Henniker, politics is more than something for pundits and politicians. Active participants […]

‘So goes Hart’s Location, so goes the nation’

HART’S LOCATION, N.H., 4:30 a.m. — It is the land of moose crossings and low, clinging fog; a place, in the immortal opening words of […]