Nathaniel Rosenberg
Staff Reporter
Nathaniel Rosenberg is the Public Editor of the Yale Daily News. He previously served as the paper's City Editor. Before that, he was an Audience Editor, managing the News's newsletter content, and was a staff reporter covering cops and courts for the City Desk. Originally from Silver Spring, MD, he is a senior in Morse College majoring in history.
Author Archive
New Haven names inaugural violence prevention coordinator

Mayor Justin Elicker appointed violence prevention advocate and former parole officer Reuel Parks to head the Violence Prevention Office.

False reports of armed student in Bingham Hall triggers Old Campus lockdown

Police responded to false reports about a student committing crime resulting in a lockdown during the early hours of Tuesday.

Activists challenge city use of COVID-19 relief funding for police SUVs

As alders consider the mayor’s most recent disbursement of $4.5 million of American Rescue Plan funding, some activists question whether the funds are being spent well.

Advocates renew push for a Medical Civil Rights Act in Connecticut

In the wake of Randy Cox’s paralyzation at the hands of police, members of the Medical Civil Rights Initiative and local politicians are looking to expand the medical rights of those who come into contact with police.

Cox’s suit against city moves forward with possible settlement discussions

In a recent filing, the city and plaintiff, Randy Cox who is suing New Haven in a civil case of police brutality, set forth rules for their $100 million settlement discussions.

Randy Cox attorneys and family decry insufficient charges for officers

Cox’s team called for city support, felony charges for the five officers charged with misdemeanors for their role in permanently paralyzing Cox.

Yale alums win big in midterm elections

Yale alumni ascended to positions of power on the federal, state and local levels, including offices in Connecticut, Florida and New York. Many alum incumbents kept their seats, while other races remained too close to call.

New Haven launches non-violent crisis response team

Social workers are now supplementing first responders at crisis scenes in a city collaboration with Yale.

New “Cookies with Cops” program comes to New Haven elementary schools

School Resource Officers have started visiting elementary schools across the city to promote policing.

Miscommunication complicates police investigation into suspected hate crime outside Davenport College

New details from police and witnesses have emerged about the suspected hate crime that occurred on York Street in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Graduate Hotel workers form union, settle contract

Housekeepers, bartenders and receptionists formed the first new hotel union in New Haven in 25 years.