Meghana Mysore
Staff Columnist
Author Archive
MYSORE: De-gooping

“What does goop sell?” asks Doreen St. Felix in her recent article in The New Yorker “The Magical Thinking of ‘The Goop Lab.’” Some say […]

Sophie Henry
MYSORE: Swipe right?

There’s that weird moment when you’re waiting to cross the street and you see a face that seems familiar, but you don’t really know from […]

MYSORE: Into the archives!

Last spring, I sat in the Beinecke Library’s Reading Room, poring over a manuscript copy of Hannah Crafts’ “The Bondwoman’s Narrative.” I saw the meandering […]

MYSORE: On health and home

“Ask for help.” The three words seem simple enough, but a myriad of factors — related to race, class and gender — influence each person’s […]

A Place Like This

During his sophomore year, Kushal Dev ’20 took “Intermediate Macroeconomics,” a class that required a textbook that costs hundreds of dollars. Such an investment was […]

MYSORE: Off the beaten path

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie had to spend some time in medical school before realizing that she wanted to be a writer. I think about her idea […]

MYSORE: On second reference

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in my dorm room, having just turned on the kettle for some tea. I settled into some pillows, […]

MYSORE: Take a walk

Every so often, I amble up Prospect Street to the Divinity School. In the evenings, the tops of trees brush into a dark sky. Crickets […]


As a child I would open my mouth to the sky each morning at sunrise   before I got ready for school. I’d open my […]

POETRY: Iterations

Once I saw a cow die on the street in Bangalore. Lying on its side, it craned its neck toward the sun. Blood leaked out […]

MYSORE: Performing our gratitude

“Dear Mr. —, Thank you for your generous donation in support of my scholarship for this year. I am very grateful for your investment in […]