Poem by Mari Oye
February 28, 2011
“Dar Amrika, Mussulman-ha hast?” the driver of our car to Dushanbe, Tajikistan asked me a few weeks ago. “Are there Muslims in America?” “Yes,” I […]
September 13, 2010
On Saturday, a 19-year-old was shot on Dixwell Avenue. I didn’t know him. Now, at least I know his name — Tywan. I know he […]
April 15, 2010
On Tuesday night, for the first time since President Obama’s election, we sat down in a college TV room and watched him give a speech […]
December 4, 2009
You might have seen the photo on the front page of The New York Times last week with Sen. John Kerry leaning in to whisper […]
October 28, 2009
When we helped to found the Yale Afghanistan Forum last year, we wanted to set up a place on campus for dialogue and education about […]
October 8, 2009
At age 70, Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has no intention of slowing down: “There’s too much to do,” she said at a talk Thursday. Before […]
April 24, 2009
Fighting climate change is one of the biggest challenges the United States and Japan will need to face together, Japanese Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki said Wednesday […]
April 23, 2009
With memories of conflict with Russia only a few months old and domestic unrest growing, it is a tense time to be a Georgian ambassador. […]
April 8, 2009
With a series of executive orders earlier this week, President Barack Obama set in motion the closure of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, reversed […]
January 27, 2009
Cindy Sheehan’s “soapbox” is making a temporary stop at Yale this week. Sheehan, 51, an anti-war activist whose son Casey was killed while serving in […]
January 14, 2009