Madison Hahamy
Staff Reporter
Madison Hahamy is a junior from Chicago, Illinois majoring in English and in Human Rights. She previously wrote for the Yale Daily News and served as Senior Editor for The New Journal.
Author Archive
Four Yale faculty awarded Guggenheim fellowships

Four Yale faculty members recently received Guggenheim Fellowships, prestigious grants awarded to those who have “demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability […]

In graduate school rankings, Yale GSAS departments claim top spots

Yale departments often take pride in the quality of their students and faculty, and several recently received national recognition. Four Yale departments received top three […]

Interpol issues red notice for Qinxuan Pan, expanding scope of search

As the search for Qinxuan Pan continues, U.S. Marshals are widening their scope and recently secured a “red notice” through Interpol for his arrest on […]

The façade of NHPD in the daytime.
Yale to offer L1 Yiddish class that fulfills language requirement

Starting next fall, Yalies can schmooze, kibitz and kvetch for a language credit. Currently, there is one main course sequence for Yiddish — a language […]

“Legendary” Professor Charles Hill dies at 84

Charles Hill, diplomat in residence, lecturer in International Studies at Yale University and Brady-Johnson Distinguished Fellow in Grand Strategy, died on Saturday afternoon of complications […]

Hill gestures to his left while speaking at podium.
Former professor says Yale fired her over tweet on Trump, Dershowitz

Bandy Lee MED ’94 DIV ’95, a formerly Yale-affiliated faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry in School of Medicine, filed a complaint against the […]

A headshot of Bandy Lee
Changes underway for Math Department

The Math Department’s introductory courses, some of which have been around for over 40 years, are undergoing a “long-awaited revision,” according to a March 11 […]

Some professors indicate excitement about course registration changes

In contrast to many students and alumni, some professors reacted positively to Dean of Yale College Marvin Chun’s March 8 announcement regarding early registration for […]

Overworked, overwhelmed, underpaid and underappreciated: Yale’s registrars are tired

Marleen Cullen has worked in her current position as a registrar for the Anthropology Department for almost eight years. She is, as registrar, responsible for […]

Yale vaccinates undergraduate EMTs and research assistants

Although much of Yale’s student body can expect to wait more than a month until the vaccine is available to them, some students have already […]

A worker wearing gloves fills a syringe with a COVID-19 vaccine
Humanities Quadrangle opens its doors — to some

Formerly known as the Hall of Graduate Studies, the Humanities Quadrangle Building at 320 York St. is now open and in use for department staff, […]

The inside of the new Humanities Quadrangle courtyard featuring a slate path and grassy section.