Madeline McMahon
Pollster gauges Arab opinion

Adam Pechter ’93, who owns a political polling company, told students Sunday afternoon about the importance of garnering honest responses in measuring shifting public opinion […]

Thursday Profile: From boot camp to cupcakes

A fitness instructor at Payne Whitney Gym since 2003, Kathy Riegelmann opened a cupcake store called Katalina’s Bakery on Whitney Avenue two weeks ago. Though […]

Saybrook stops sorting dirty dishes

In the latest show of dissent against Yale Dining’s new dish sorting system, the Saybrook dining hall returned to the previous tray stacking method Saturday. […]

Family Weekend weathers storm

Snow knocked on Yale’s door this year just after Family Weekend visitors arrived and slightly before students donned their Halloween costumes. Though the weekend’s unseasonable […]

Admins revise storage rules

In response to student complaints about new residential college summer storage restrictions, administrators have revised the changes they announced only three weeks ago. As a […]

Storage regulations slightly expanded

The Yale College Council announced Tuesday morning that after weeks of negotiations, the new undergraduate summer storage regulations have been expanded to allow students to […]

Chef to direct “culinary excellence” for Dining

With Yale Dining’s newest addition to its team, the University has put a name to its quest for culinary excellence. Ron DeSantis, a former consultant, […]

New mental health service underused

Though the new mental health fellows program introduced by the Yale College Council this fall was a staple of YCC Vice President Omar Njie’s ’13 […]

Students petition against storage policy changes

A week after Yale College reduced summer storage space in residential colleges, four residential college councils have signed a petition calling on Yale College Dean […]

YCC committee aims to bolster sciences

Amidst a slew of University-wide initiatives to bolster Yale’s science and engineering programs, the Yale College Council has created a new subcommittee devoted to representing […]

Mixed safety reports from Safety Dance

While the crowd of more than 2,400 students that attended Safety Dance this year was similar to those seen in years past, this fall’s event […]