Liam Hughes
Staff Reporter
Author Archive
Little Acts of Love

Love. Sounds big. Sounds scary. But maybe it doesn’t have to be?  With Valentine’s day coming up, we at the WKND set out to find […]

Maria Arozamena
The Do’s, Don’ts and Regrets of Messy Hookups… Part 2

So we’ve all come back to campus ready for a semester of mature academic growth… and let’s be honest more questionable romantic decisions. At the […]

Not home for the holidays

Going into Thanksgiving break I didn’t expect to end up in a hospital emergency ward… twice. Like everyone else, I’d really looked forward to the […]

Jessai Flores
The case against cuffing season

It’s time for No Man November. November is a month of chilly winds, cozy sweaters and the arrival of cuffing season. For those who are […]

An outside look on the election

I knew I was coming to a country in the middle of a storm. Since the start of the year I’ve been watching the American […]

Jessai Flores
Crafting the perfect common room

At the start of the year, my friend invited me to a pregame in her suite. Stepping through the door, I felt like I’d walked […]

Notes on unrequited love

His eyes are different colors. One is brown, the other a mix of amber and turquoise. It’s the thing everyone notices when they meet him. “Is he the one with the fancy eyes?” people would ask when I talked about my best friend. It was these impossible eyes that became the object of my obsession for two years. I could draw them down to the slightest line. 

The Do’s, Don’ts, and Regrets of Messy Hookups

FroCo-cest, Foot-cest, College-cest, there’s a whole list of “forbidden” hookups waiting for first years to get tangled up in. When things get steamy, it’s hard […]