Kiva Bank
Contributing Reporter
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Holiday Horoscopes

‘Tis the season of finals and fa-la-la-la-la! The holiday spirit seems to be lacking around campus, and of course, the stars are to blame.  Mercury […]

Students learn to fold paper turkeys, sailboats at Sok Song’s AACC origami workshop

On Saturday, renowned origami artist Sok Song added a layer of nuance and history to the traditional art form.

Hallowknd horoscopes

Will your weekend end in a trick or a treat? The stars may have an answer for you. 

Students and instructors provide insight on getting into intro-level studio-art classes

Non-arts students might find it difficult to get into intro-level arts classes. Instructors shared advice on getting in.

WKND horoscopes: Libra season

Looking for an excuse to overanalyze your existence? Look no further. As of Sept. 22, it’s officially Libra season — which means it’s time to embrace harmony as the scales swing your life back into balance. 

An unorthodox tour of Mexican photography at the Yale University Art Gallery

Curatorial fellow Daniel Menzo led an interactive tour of the Mexican Photography rotation at the Yale University Art Gallery in honor of Latine Heritage Month. The event was held in collaboration with La Casa Cultural, the Latine Cultural Center at Yale.


From neon green flyers to Edon’s “Brat Housewarming” party, Brat Summer has officially reached Yale’s campus. The trend began with the release of Charli XCX’s […]