Jim Sleeper
Guest Columnist
Author Archive
SLEEPER: Grand strategy can’t be grandiose

The controversy over the Grand Strategy program is really about the proper mission of Yale College. Yale has always struggled to balance three missions: to […]

SLEEPER: Dogmatism and truth

Shortly after he watched White House Counsel Pat Cipollone tell the Senate on Saturday that “the president did absolutely nothing wrong,” a friend sent me […]

SLEEPER: The real PC threat

Two wrongs don’t make a right: Political correctness, left or right, isn’t the decent restraint and respect that a good liberal education should nourish alongside intellectual rigor.

SLEEPER: To Singapore — with love?

But why should Yale have contracted itself with Singapore’s national university and, through it, the regime of a tightly-run city-state whose ruling party and judiciary keep a finger in virtually everything that moves? Are we liberalizing Singapore, or becoming more like it?

SLEEPER: Schell’s legacy

Although I know that he didn’t think of himself this way, the writer Jonathan Schell, who taught courses at Yale on non-violence and nuclear arms through 2012 and who died Tuesday night, at 70, of cancer, in his home in Brooklyn, was a luminous, noble bearer of an American civic-republican tradition that is inherently cosmopolitan and embracing.

9/11 Reflection: Jim Sleeper

Under the aspect of eternity, the attack on Pearl Harbor 60 years ago was eclipsed on 9/11 by a darkness more fateful, frightening and — […]

Sleeper: All the news that’s fit to sell

Whether you’re reading this in print or online, you may be the last of a dying breed — even if you’re under 21. I don’t […]

Sleeper: Yale’s real social network

At the turn of the 18th century, Yale was founded to stop a Harvard-based “social network” from diverting the holy Puritan mission toward one that […]

Sleeper: Yale lessons in ’69 and ’09

BERLIN Forty years ago I spent the weeks between final exams and my Yale Commencement in Israel on an Arab-Jewish relations project. That country had […]

Sleeper: The value of ‘Barack Hussein Obama’

Even as we lurch from symbolism to substance with President-elect Barack Obama, I hope that he (and most Yalies) will appreciate the symbolic and substantive […]

It’s not liberals who are weakening humanities

An essay in Sunday’s New York Times Book Review noted that “humanities departments thrive at elite institutions (at Yale, for example, History has long been […]