Jack Dozier
Staff Columnist
Jack Dozier is a staff columnist, writing "Connection vs. Conviction." From outside Charlottesville, VA, he is a sophomore in Saybrook College.
Author Archive
DOZIER: Why even listen?

I think back to my last canvassing trip before the 2024 election with Yale Dems. I had a respectful conversation with a voter in northeastern Pennsylvania who, from the start, told me she was voting for the slate of candidates which were not mine. Although, she would still take my literature. I continued down the street only to run into her again, this time while she was getting into her car and away from neighbors. She beckoned me over to quietly explain that, after talking with me and looking over the state candidates’ literature, she would give them a consideration. 

DOZIER: Bring joy to the polls

We are in the final, joyful stretch. We have less than a week until election day, and every moment counts. Now, more than ever, I feel called to join canvassers on the doors and on the phones. I hope others will follow suit. Bring joy to the doors, bring joy to yourself and most importantly, bring joy to the polls on Nov. 5. 

Mayors meet to reaffirm sister city partnership

Mayor Justin Elicker of New Haven and Mayor-elect Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr of Freetown met to commemorate the bond between the two cities.