Isis Davis-Marks
Staff Columnist
Author Archive
DAVIS-MARKS: Immigration nation?

America is a nation of immigrants, right? New Haven certainly bills itself as such — waves of Italian immigration shaped the city in the early […]

DAVIS-MARKS: We’re not fine

Given that Yale has the resources — and the numbers — to help relieve the burden on international students as well as undocumented workers and students, the administration must work to protect these Yalies. The vigil that took place earlier this week was a great starting point, but there is more work to be done.

DAVIS-MARKS: Bracing for impact

There are ways for us, both individually and as a community, to make change. However, the larger scale societal changes we want to see will most likely remain a pipe dream unless we do things to actively combat Trump’s policies.

DAVIS-MARKS: Education in the age of Trump

During the initial aftermath of the election, my Facebook news feed was flooded with articles about an impending fascist regime. People talked frantically in dining halls. People were scared. Angry. Numb. Individuals wrote long-winded posts about the demise of American democracy, and publications like Slate and The Atlantic shared somber articles about the state of the white working class.

DAVIS-MARKS: The end of times

I cannot even function right now. As a queer, black woman, I feel unsafe in this country.

DAVIS-MARKS: Queering archetypes

On Oct. 11, National Coming Out Day, many of my friends shared articles about queerness and wrote statuses about their sexual orientations. However, as I looked at the countless posts and statuses, I still felt awkward about posting one of my own.

DAVIS-MARKS: The Yale vernacular

Classism quite obviously extends beyond language and culture at Yale.

DAVIS-MARKS: Affirming action

Lately, students of color have increasingly had to defend their presence at Yale. The Next Yale protests last year and the Unidad Latina en Acción actions have only confirmed that students of color face obstacles that are both systemic and stifling.

DAVIS-MARKS: Stamped schedules

I finally turned in my schedule yesterday. It’s done. The dean’s assistant handed me a receipt stamped with the date “Sept. 13, 2016” after two weeks of frantically scouring Yale BlueBook and running between overlapping classes.

DAVIS-MARKS: A rose by any other name

Merely switching out one term for another may make us feel relieved of guilt, although it does little to address why we must use such sanitized terms in the first place.

DAVIS-MARKS: Making lemonade

The world seems to be shifting. Waking up. Suppressed resentment comes to the fore as more people discuss systemic oppression. Racism surfaces. Sexism surfaces.