Isa Qasim
QASIM: Catchphrase criticisms

Introspection is an admirable endeavor, but at Yale introspection has become strangely standardized.

QASIM: Yale’s past: our own history

Yale is an incredible place. It would be a shame to miss out because we focused only on our four, short years.

QASIM: The problem with Upworthy

Upworthy has the potential to truly revolutionize how we consume news, and we would be much poorer for it.

QASIM: Benghazi Taken Slowly

The focus on continuous updates precludes a meaningful response to the event.

QASIM: Calling for radical love

We are intimately and fundamentally connected to one another, no matter the distances created by space and culture.

QASIM: Running with Boston

Running is a refusal to accept terror.