Haci Catalbasoglu
Guest Columnist
Author Archive
CATALBASOGLU: Two fates intertwined

Yale College should implement a community service graduation requirement. Such a mandate would improve the lives of New Haven residents, enrich students’ experience at Yale […]

CATALBASOGLU: Stay in New Haven

In the next couple of weeks, many Yale students will be submitting applications to political internships around the country. Having once been in your shoes, […]


They weren’t responding. I always knew they’d do that stuff, but Mom made sure that I didn’t have to see them in that state. This […]


I love Yale and New Haven. That’s how my campaign began. I love the vibrancy of the campus and the energy in the city. I […]

CATALBASOGLU: Accountability

For a democracy to function, government decision-making must be open and accessible. The public deserves to know why their representatives vote on deeply important issues […]

CATALBASOGLU: Just the beginning

The race to represent Ward 1 is not over. I am not finished fighting for your vote and I am not done asking for your […]

CATALBASOGLU: Ward 1, for everyone

I love New Haven, and I love Yale. Yet sometimes I hear these phrases said separately, as if you could only pledge your allegiance to […]

CATALBASOGLU: An American dream

Immigrants and refugees make New Haven great, and they make America great. Trump’s executive orders are cruel, unpresidential and immoral — and I’m proud of my fellow students and my city for standing with my family.