Eve Sneider
Contributing Reporter
Author Archive
Growing into America

My grandmother decided to change her name on the train ride to college. In 1942, somewhere between Jersey City and Ann Arbor, girlhood and adulthood, […]

Back to Green

The land sat unused until its rediscovery by a small group of citizens in Hamden. At the time, this group was protesting the construction of a mall on Dixwell Avenue. While protesting, they discovered that the abandoned railroad, part of which ran through the mall’s future lot, was in the public domain. Even though the railroad was privately owned, the underlying land belongs to the state. The group of mall protesters petitioned to keep the land in the hands of the people.

SNEIDER: Stuck with you

So, here we are. Two presidential debate down and one to go. After that, the election is all that is left. We are adults (whatever that means) and Americans. This matters: I am stuck here and so are you.

Calling on Miss Patty

February is a strange time of year. Some burrow into bed, some get a new haircut and some drink themselves into a stupor, all in […]

Call Me, Beep Me

Twenty-five. That’s how many texts I’ve sent so far today. I text about psets and dinner plans. I text Hey and How’s it going? and […]
