Divya Subrahmanyam
Staff Reporter
Author Archive
‘Ivy League Egg Donor Wanted’

  “Ivy League Egg Donor Wanted.” Sound familiar? From the News to the New Haven Register, this and similar ads for egg donors have appeared […]

Sex, religion and the pursuit of blankness

Try to make your mind go completely blank. Too difficult? That’s not surprising, at least according to Lorraine Daston of the Max Planck Institute for […]

Marks: Fighting to make Y-C-C about Y-O-U

Although he is a film fan so intense that he keeps a list of every movie he has ever seen, Harrison Marks ’10 simply lucked […]

Univ. researchers win $5.6M for stem-cell projects

Even as scientists across the country struggle to work around federal restrictions on stem cell research, Yale researchers will now enjoy the benefits of almost […]

Medical school looks for lab space

No one wants his cardiovascular surgeon bumping elbows with his neurosurgeon in the ER. And those same cardiologists don’t want to be bumping elbows with […]

Food carts: A boon to parent restaurants?

As Thai native Mong Khol shivered behind the smoke of his food cart on Science Hill, flipping slices of meat and serving his equally cold […]

GoCrossCampus’ origins prove Risky

This winter, 11,000 members of the Ivy League duked it out to be named Ivy League Champion: strategizing, forming alliances, attacking and retreating. But as […]

Med. school to revise anti-sexual-harassment policies

Facing ongoing complaints of sexual harassment on campus, the Yale School of Medicine will continue to examine existing protocols and implement new procedures for addressing […]

Panel discusses steroid use by Major League Baseball players

At a Law School panel Tuesday afternoon, medical, legal and media experts discussed the implications of the recently released Mitchell Report, which accuses 89 Major […]

Environment, politics fuse in student-led class

When Michael Davies FES ’08 was unsatisfied with the lack of courses focused on environmentalism in politics that were offered at the School of Forestry […]

Budget cut may impact nonprofits

The financial fate of a number of New Haven nonprofits may be in jeopardy if the president’s proposed budget is passed, though the organizations hope […]