Daniel Tenreiro-Braschi
Staff Reporter
Author Archive
TENREIRO-BRASCHI: Protect the unprotected

The issues that created the unnatural left-right divide in the U.S. are no longer at the fore. After the Great Recession and the onset of globalization, trade, immigration and terrorism have become the central issues in American politics.

TENREIRO-BRASCHI: Write your own story

The stories we tell ourselves impose rules by which we live. We construct an image of who we are supposed to be and live by that image. We are a certain type of person … until we aren’t.

TENREIRO-BRASCHI: A better bluebook

Flipping through the Yale Bluebook can be a deeply perplexing endeavor.

TENREIRO-BRASCHI: Is fairness just?

At the contemporary American university, fairness is the highest virtue. We take for granted that the end-goal of our actions is, in some vague sense, “justice,” defined as unmitigated fairness. Whenever someone feels uncomfortable, or whenever someone feels excluded, many in the student body decry Yale’s treatment of “marginalized” communities. The solution is easy, and it has been the University’s priority since I have been here: Give people what they want, and make sure everyone feels like he or she belongs.

TENREIRO-BRASCHI: Why don’t we complain?

It is a daily occurrence in Yale’s dining halls.

TENREIRO-BRASCHI: Mastering freedom

Harvard and Princeton have both officially abolished the title of “master” for the heads of their residential houses, the former caving to students’ demands, the […]