Amanda Mei
Contributing Reporter
Author Archive
Paris in Protest

In these pictures, taken last December on a trip to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, activists fight not only against climate […]

MEI: Keep a healthy mind

Mental health should be on everyone’s minds all of the time. It should not be just another issue that flares up after campus-wide tragedies or debates on withdrawal and therapy.

MEI: Careers as home

Last Saturday, I attended the seventh annual Yale Women in Leadership conference hosted by the Women’s Leadership Institute.

MEI: Think twice about FERPA

I've always wanted to answer the question, "How did I get into Yale?"

MEI: Living like Parisot

Parisot views life not with fear that he will not live up to expectations, but with the pleasure that he derives from living and making music.

MEI: Empathy takes more time

It is difficult to reduce someone’s experience to a single group discussion. We are the products of years of conversation and silence, love and sorrow, migration and home.

MEI: The freedom of Credit/D/Fail

Without the prospect of a concrete reward in the future, I have the occasion to learn about psychology in the present.

Ebola inspires fear and awe, writer says

Richard Preston never foresaw the devastating impact Ebola would have on West Africa today.

Ebola deaths could skyrocket, Yale researchers say

An apparent decrease in newly reported Ebola cases in Liberia — according to data released from the World Health Organization — seems more promising than it actually is, according to scientists at the Yale Schools of Public Health and Medicine and the Liberian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.

Epidemic may be worse than previously thought, Ebola expert says

People should not underestimate the severity of the current Ebola epidemic in West Africa, said Jamie Childs, senior research scientist and School of Public Health professor, at a Monday evening lecture entitled “Ebola Past and Present.”

Fat burning process uncovered

A brain pathway underlying the browning of fat cells may guard against obesity, a new study from the Yale School of Medicine has found.