Alexandra Schwartz
Schwartz: Presidential tricks

Election years make for the best Halloweens. I discovered this in 1996, when I was overcome by the irresistible urge to borrow a jacket and […]

Schwartz: Man’s idea of woman

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the events of a particularly contentious campaign season leading up to a particularly important election warrant numerous comparisons […]

Sex’s grip on politics now tighter than our own

Considering the deadlock currently stalling the Democratic nomination process, it’s been something of a diversion to have sex play such a prominent role in politics […]

Weight of swastika heavier outside the bubble

It just keeps coming, doesn’t it? In the fall, racist and homophobic messages were scrawled on prominent campus buildings for every passerby to see. Last […]

Days later, officials still ignoring ‘sluts’ incident

It’s been interesting, to say the least, to follow the fallout of last week’s “Yale sluts” incident. People have been infuriated, saddened, annoyed and indifferent […]

A truly modern Yale has nothing to do with size

A little while ago, I participated in an activity in which a group of Yalies were asked to imagine a modern university. Armed with a […]

Strange bedfellows: Musharraf the American

“He broke laws, he violated the Constitution, he usurped arbitrary power, he trampled individual liberties,” President Bush said the other day, denouncing General Pervez Musharraf, […]

Sharing visual information crucial to world peace

“Being a spectator of calamities taking place in another country is a quintessential modern experience,” Susan Sontag wrote in her 2003 book, Regarding the Pain […]

Levin can learn from Bollinger’s approach

Compare and contrast the following statement— “Mr. President, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you and Mrs. Liu on behalf of […]

Shopping reveals flaws in distribution areas

I’ve never begun a column before by quoting old English poetry, and I may never do it again, so stay with me for a moment: […]

Even at Fling, blatant misogyny is not cool

Two weeks ago, Don Imus achieved national notoriety by calling the women of the Rutgers basketball team “nappy-headed hos.” The comment sent the media into […]