Adam Krok
Guest Columnist
Author Archive
KROK: On fair discussion

Last semester I approached a professor with a philosophical concern. We had just discussed the Black Consciousness Movement and nonracialism in class; I wanted to […]

KROK: End the legacy advantage

When asked the secret to success by a reporter, the billionaire sixth Duke of Westminster, inheritor of Central London’s priciest property and the U.K.’s third […]

KROK: Dethroning economics

Macroconomics is the sick man of academia. Every 10 years or so, an unforeseen crisis hurls the world into turmoil, or a prediction, like the […]

KROK: For God, for country and for friends

If you left Yale at this exact moment, how many people would you honestly still keep in touch with in a meaningful way? When I […]

KROK: The great siege of Yale

Last Thursday, Yale marked the centennial of America’s entrance into World War I. This is a deeply unsexy subject. There are very few events as […]

KROK: For full disclousure

The task of the Yale Corporation — now restyled as a Board of Trustees — is daunting. Its role may, without exaggeration, compare to running […]

KROK: The Yale Political Dis-Union

Of the most treasured symbols of Western philosophy, perhaps none so vividly fills the mind with ambition as the agora. The ancient meeting place was […]

KROK: The new division

Saturday was a joyous day. After decades of student opposition, the University finally prioritized the well-being of black students at Yale over artificial tradition. The […]

KROK: We are the problem

Not all Yalies are this extreme, but a significant minority embraces this logic. But even milder forms of individualism come up short in producing acceptable outcomes.

KROK: Rethinking Lenin

One hundred years ago, an obscure Russian exile living in Switzerland embarked on a train bound for his snowy and tumultuous homeland.

KROK: A Jew, a Muslim and a Christian

If you have ever spoken to me, you might know that I have a dark sense of humor. Had I the ability to find less contentious jokes amusing, I would probably choose lighthearted slapstick. No one is viscerally repelled by someone who laughs at an actor slipping on a banana — nor would one call that person immoral.