the performer is moving across a line that doesn’t
exist they are moving along a line vanishing they
are the line vanishing always
vanished and also the color of the wall is there a true
space for dancing if there is no air around you to
move through i think that once we all die it will just
be white space and i will die again and go to a
higher white space dead from a fatal ricochet concussion
giving in against white walls like dolphins swimming
straight into glass driven mad from tanks filled with their
echo only then will the crack of bones make sound
the performer is silent not everyone gets to make a
sound you know but the color of the performer is
blaring noise to god the performer is a spectrum
that catches no light the performer bends lifts graceful
arm and leg becomes a straight line balance an
empty plane of justice imagined as if
to ? reach for something the performer
reaches nothing and still is suspended in the air
the performer has strings at their endpoints
so from all the places they are supposed to stop
the performer continues along a hitched line up to the
roof of the atmosphere where a white god with
white gloves makes his fingers dance the
performer cannot move itself the performer is not a
they the performer is an it skirting across
canvas a displaced splatter flailing to get free
to get free there must be a world outside of
this one where a “free” can get got
i think it dances for that reason maybe i “think” it is
aware of all this i think it reads this poem every time it
puts pen to paper fists a black hand upon the velvet curtain
this cannot be the only way is it i need help to find it i need
a line i need i need all i do is dance and need
Semilore Ola |