How to vote in New Haven today Ángela Pérez 12:19 am, Nov 03, 2020 Staff Reporter ÁNGELA PéREZ Ángela Pérez is City Editor of the YDN. She was a former beat reporter, covering City Hall and Women's Volleyball. She was a former editor and writer for the WKND desk. She is from Puerto Rico and plans to major in Architecture. Most Read Reeti Malhotra Applying to Yale in the most competitive year in history Josie Reich McInnis lacks unique academic vision Chris Tillen Law School sees drop in diversity post-affirmative action Zoe Beketova PROFILE: Howie Forman, the professor who does it all — from Yale to Capitol Hill Lily Belle Poling Elicker proposes redirecting $8.5 million to New Haven Public Schools Tweets by yaledailynews