Dora Guo, Illustrations Editor

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YDN Weekly Roundup · Oct. 15: A COVID Cluster

The YDN Weekly Roundup features the top headlines of the week, released every Friday. Hosted by Jose Davila IV. Produced by Allison Park, Phoebe Liu and Jose Davila IV. Read more at Cover art by Dora Guo. Music by Blue Dot Sessions.

Articles mentioned: Yale Athletics reverts to Phase 0 after COVID-19 cluster emerges; ANAAY, Yale College Council propose making Indigenous Peoples’ Day an official Yale holiday; Beinecke director announces retirement after 30 years of library service; Following student’s death, New Haven, Yale advocates double down on calls for traffic safety; COVID-19 vaccine trials connect University and surrounding community.

Jose Davila currently serves as a Public Editor of the Yale Daily News. He previously covered Yale-New Haven Relations as a staff reporter and served as a Managing Editor. He is a senior in Morse College majoring in Global Affairs.