Dear all:
When we decided to do an online issue, it wasn’t to say print is dead. Print is not dead. Soon the Yale Daily News Magazine will be back in print, and its editors back in control over how, on single pages and across all 40, the narrative unfolds.
Online, you’re the narrator. Everything that would have been linear and delineated in print is, here, scattered across the grid. You as a reader can open one article from our magazine and one from another, you can open everything at once, split your time across space — in the way you keep tabs, a story is written.
An online issue has allowed us to explore multimedia and harness the hyperlink. Even more so than in previous issues, we feel driven by connection — our hope being that, as narrator, you’ll put these articles in contact with the causes that are important to you. Gabriella Borter’s ’18 piece on the murder of New Haven 14-year-old Tyrick Keyes belongs to a much longer story on justice and gun violence. Addy Feibel ’20 and Isabel Guarco ’20 apply a national conversation on sexual misconduct to conditions at Yale. Jacob Sweet ’18 puts us at mile 20 in the life of a local marathoner, while Shea Ketsdever ’19 visits the world of philately, where “95 percent of what’s out there isn’t valuable.” Matt Stone ’18 remembers an easter egg hunt from an era ago. Julia Hedges ’20 sorts seagrass and sprigs of myrrh, Jordan Cutler-Tietjen ’20 investigates something brand new and Tiana Wang ’19, in a poem, overhears a minor conflict between two young professors at the sculpture collection. Robert Scaramuccia ’19 looks to the past and present of New Haven’s much-debated Coliseum. Six students sit in a circle and talk about “Cat Person.” In the first episode of the documentary “Now, in Color,” Anita Norman ’19 reminds us how to live, which can best be said as, leave gift, leave a gift, leave a gift…
Stories are important, and sometimes even more so when they’re steered. Collected in this issue are ideas we hope will move the conversation forward. It’s up to you to decide what clicks.
Till March,
Frani & Flora