Bulldog parents. Starting on Friday, Family Weekend will include a performance by Whim ‘n Rhythm and the Whiffenpoofs, lectures by notable faculty members and a joint concert by the Yale Symphony Orchestra, Yale Concert Band and Yale Glee Club.
BA, MA, Honorary. Maya Lin ’81 ARC ’86, who designed the Women’s Table, will be speaking this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. at the Yale University Art Gallery. The lecture is the first in a series called “Women of Yale,” which will continue until 2019.
Safe Haven. Undergraduates at Yale have started a local chapter of Books Not Bombs to petition for the University to provide at least five scholarships to Syrian student refugees. The letter currently has almost 300 signatures.
THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY. 1994 The University begins preparations for a multi-million dollar renovation to the Yale Law School Library. The new installations will include an air conditioning system and an added entrance on the first floor.