More than just a newspaper. The Yale Daily News Magazine will be holding its first pitch meeting of the year on Friday, 4:30 p.m. at 202 York Street. Come learn about investigative journalism, fiction, poetry, essays, photography, art, videography and everything else that happens in the Briton Hadden Memorial Building in the wee hours of the morning.
All men and women are not created equal. A study by researchers at the Yale University Child Study Center done with more than 130 preschool teachers found that teachers are more inclined to expect problems from black boys. According to federal civil rights data, black preschool children accounted for 47 percent of all suspensions from 2013-2014 despite only making up 19 percent of all preschool students.
A liberal arts education. Director of the Brooklyn Museum and former Executive Director of Creative Time Anne Pasternak will be hosting a conversation on the intersection of artists, cultural institutions, human rights and social justice. Sponsored by the Schell Center for Human Rights at Yale Law School, the event is at 6:10 p.m. at the Law School.
Buck for a truck. This fall, New Haven restaurant week will add an altruistic element beyond the Elm City. From Oct. 30 to Nov. 4, restaurant patrons are invited to donate one dollar to the Connecticut Food Bank. Further, Citizens Bank will sponsor a brand new 26-foot refrigerated food truck to stock Connecticut Food Bank programs in the state.
Yale, making debaters since 1701. Yale Debate Association President Henry Zhang ’17 gave his own review of the first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 and Donald Trump as a guest on ABC News following their broadcast of the event. Zhang said he supports Secretary Clinton.
It doesn’t run in the family. While both father and brother attended Yale, former presidential hopeful and previous Florida Governor Jeb Bush is joining the Harvard Kennedy School of Government as a visiting fellow this fall. He will be a guest lecturer in the course “The Political Economy of the School.” Oh Jeb!
Look ma, we made it. Silliman College now officially has its own geotag. Meanwhile, for some of us here at the News, we are apparently still editing the Hamden Daily News.
THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY. 1993 New Haven resident Keith Wells, 37, was arrested on Park Street near Crown Street as the suspect of multiple burglaries on campus after being spotted with stolen office supplies.