As the University community enters the thick of midterm season, events from outside the classroom brought to the fore some of the most important issues on campus — sexual misconduct, mental health policy and divestment.
SAE faces on-campus ban after violating sexual misconduct policies | After a formal investigation by the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct, Yale’s chapter of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity is facing several sanctions, including a ban on all on-campus activities. An email from Yale College Dean Jonathan Holloway included a letter jointly written by the members of the fraternity apologizing for their breach of University policy and saying that their conduct was not in line with the values of the fraternity.
FFY postpones Global Divestment Day action | With the first-ever Global Divestment Day scheduled for this weekend, Fossil Free Yale was looking to revive the campus push for divestment. The event ended up being postponed, adding to questions about if, and when, their efforts will come to fruition.
Sandy Hook Commission advises on school security, mental health | In its lengthiest section, the commission’s latest report tackles the topic of mental health in Connecticut, separating its more than 50 recommendations on the topic into six subcategories, covering issues from barriers to access, to the overlap of mental illness and violence.
From the Opinion pages: Unfulfilled promise | “After pouring my heart out, I was told I wasn’t fully deserving of immediate therapy. Hearing a therapist talk about me like that was the last thing I needed.”
From the News: University prepares for unlikely meningitis outbreak | Physicians interviewed said an outbreak is unlikely but not impossible. In an interview with the News, Director of Yale Health Paul Genecin said that “these things come in clusters,” explaining that despite the low transmission rate, the school cannot rule out another case of meningitis cropping up.
From around the Web: Obama and the Crusaders, via The New Yorker | “We welcome complexity because it makes the moral points stand out more clearly against their background, just as we welcome linear perspective in paintings because it makes the acts of the foreground figures more fully articulate. We can understand the long pasts that make bad things happen and still put the blame on the bad people who did them. Ideologies are abstract; the acts they inspire are real.”
From Twitter, via @parul_sehgal:
“He was our hero.” NYT newsroom gathers to pay respects to David Carr.
— Parul Sehgal (@parul_sehgal) February 13, 2015