Snow Fall. In case you missed the white chunks on the ground, New Haven saw a decent amount of snow over break, signaling the beginning of everybody’s favorite time of year. Don’t let the brief thaw fool you — we’re due for more as early as Tuesday.
Staying active. Protests against the no-indictment decision in the Michael Brown case continue today on Cross Campus, where the Black Student Alliance at Yale will be gathering at 12:01 p.m., hands held up. The demonstration will eventually proceed to the New Haven Court House to join another, citywide protest.
Power hour. United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power ’92, a former Magazine Editor for the News, will be speaking in Levinson Auditorium this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. Returning to campus as a Chubb Fellow, Power earned a Pulitzer Prize before joining President Barack Obama’s Cabinet.
The Ivy Factor. Fox News’ Bill O’ Reilly dispatched reporter Jesse Watters to The Game to quiz Yale and Harvard grads on current events. Though representatives from both camps floundered on questions about ObamaCare and the Ukraine Crisis, the only person to answer everything correctly was, in fact, an Eli.
We get it. A group from tried the same trick, asking Game tailgaters basic SAT questions.
Numbers *sometimes lie. On Saturday, The New York Times published a piece discussing the meaning of plummeting admissions rates at the nation’s top universities. According to the article, wider application pools are partly responsible — ultimately, good students will face good odds, it concluded.
Wil-Son. Saturday’s men’s hockey game pitted Stu Wilson ’16 against his father, Wayne Wilson, the head coach of the Rochester Institute of Technology’s team. Though the younger Wilson already came away victorious, he clearly wanted more, having fired off three shots on-goal.
Dubious honor. Last week, Movoto Real Estate named New Haven Connecticut’s most dangerous city. “There are some areas best left avoided. Unless you like crime,” the site said.
Still got it. George H.W. Bush ’48 made an appearance on the Houston Texans’ Kiss Cam over break. A true politician, the former president gave the people what they wanted, to much applause.
THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 2009 The Spizzwinks a capella group performs at Carnegie Hall in New York, N.Y.
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