Free bird. A turkey has been wandering Beinecke Plaza and High Street over the past few days, to the delight and confusion of passing students. The popular theory is that the turkey may have escaped the chopping board of a nearby residential dining hall, perhaps Berkeley or Calhoun.
All men must die. Dean of Silliman College Hugh Flick has reserved Silliflicks, Silliman’s movie and television theater, every Sunday for the rest of the year so the college can gather to watch “Game of Thrones,” according to an email sent to Silliman students. Cue theme song.
Procrastination nation. Customized versions of the online game 2048 have been taking over campus, utilizing a website that allows students to replace the numbers with pictures of themselves or each other. One version of the game features members of New Blue. Other iterations of the game are themed around suites or even individual Yale students.
The Reichenbach fall. A prankster has covered Bass Library with printed images of actor Benedict Cumberbatch mid-jump, appearing to hang off fire exits or pinned to bulletin boards. No sign of Martin Freeman.
One man’s trash, another man’s recycling. Graduate students are whiling away an afternoon of arts and crafts today. An event titled “Upcycled Magazine Coaster Making” encourages students to bring their old magazines — and presumably piles of old campus publications — and give them a better life as drink coasters. “No creativity necessary” the event description specifies.
Facilities Appreciation Day. According to a recent email from the Yale College Council, Thursday is Facilities Appreciation Day, “a small reminder to recognize all the hard work and effort our facilities staff make every day fixing, cleaning, and keeping our colleges running even during heavy snow.” Just imagine if Yale had to cope with the snow on its own …
Selling Harvard. Mark Zuckerberg is featured in a new video from the Harvard College Admissions Office that welcomes admitted students of the class of 2018 according to the Harvard Crimson. “Congrats, you’ve been accepted to Harvard. … I hope you go to Harvard and they hope you stay a bit longer than I did,” Zuckerberg says in the video. So, are students supposed to find the setting of “The Social Network” an appealing place to spend four years?
THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1940 The Yale Italian Society decides to produce two comedies, both about people falling in love.
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