A cohort of higher education leaders, including a representative from Yale, gathered in Dallas, Texas Monday and Tuesday to discuss the confluence of globalization and higher education.

The conference, hosted by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and former North Carolina Governor Jim Hunt, was attended by Don Filer, Yale’s Director of the Office of International Affairs. Speakers at the conference included former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton LAW ’73, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and former Yale Corporation member Fareed Zakaria ’86.

When asked about how the conference influenced his thoughts on Yale’s globalization, Filer said that the issue of online learning has both global and local applications.

Clinton’s speech, Filer said, focused on education generally. He added that he was glad to see both Clinton and Bush, both considered potential 2016 presidential candidates, addressing globalization in higher education.

“Neither directly addressed their own futures but it was encouraging to see leading figures from both parties placing such a strong emphasis on this important topic,” Filer said.

The event, which has not been held in the past, was invitation only and co-hosted by Queens’ College and the University of Cambridge.