A final report on the Connecticut State Police’s investigation into last December’s shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School shed new light on perpetrator Adam Lanza’s mental health history, which included treatment at the Yale Child Study Center.
The report shows that Lanza, per the efforts of his father, Peter, was examined by local psychiatrist Paul Fox before being referred to Prof. Robert King and Kathleen Koenig MSN ’88 from the Child Study Center. Documents show that Peter Lanza was worried about his son, who had been a seemingly happy child, becoming increasingly stressed and irritable by age 12.
In 2006, when Lanza was about 14 years old, King put him through a thorough investigation and found Lanza to be socially detached and diagnosed him with obsessive compulsive disorder. Lanza demonstrated several behaviors typical of those with the disorder, including repeated rituals involving cleanliness.
“[Lanza] displayed a profound autism spectrum disorder with rigidity, isolation and a lack of comprehension of ordinary social interaction and communications,” King said in the report, adding that he was concerned that these isolationist behaviors were worsening.
King was the one to direct the Lanzas to Koenig, who said that she had four in-person meetings with Adam Lanza. These meetings began in October 2006 and ended in February 2007, during which time Koenig kept in touch with Lanza’s mother, Nancy, via email and telephone.
According to the police documents, Koenig deemed Lanza to be “emotionally paralyzed” and prescribed the antidepressant Celexa. Koenig later told state police that Nancy Lanza opposed both further in-office visits and the medication. This resistance caused Koenig to reach out to Fox, who remained Lanza’s primary psychiatrist, in order to devise a best-course to treat Lanza’s case.
King’s profile on the School of Medicine’s website lists Tourette’s syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adolescents and adolescent suicide as his main research interests.