Time to air some dirty laundry. Did On Harvard Time really think ragging on New Haven, the grand tradition of a cappella or the campus-wide Wifi was acceptable anywhere except in Cross Campus?
Free Harvard Tours! “There on the right you have the massive egos of Harvard students, overshadowing all of Cambridge and with that, we conclude our tour.”
Imagine a section where everyone is the section asshole. A recent Crimson blog post advised the GPA-hungry hordes at Harvard on “Last Ditch Efforts: How to Save Your Grade” by telling readers to “Be that kid in section. In the fight for late-semester participation points, it’s every man for himself.”
Ottawa. Sorry, sore subject?
Gun to your head. A music video made this year by Harvard Medical School students parodied ‘Thrift Shop’ to call students out for being constant ‘gunners,’ “a person who is competitive, overly-ambitious and substantially exceeds minimum requirements.” In classic Harvard style, the gunners roll in, dot on, head to the frontest row then stay in Friday nights for dates with (med school textbook author) Linda Constanzo.
Like a dark twisted fantasy. Kanye West should ready himself for a Harvard honorary degree after his visit to the university on Sunday. With albums like “Yeezus,” songs like “I am God,” and quotes like “I am so credible and so influential and so relevant that I will change things,” West is ready to don crimson. Plus he knows well how to do what Harvard students do best per his 2004 album “College Dropout.”
The veritas is… the test answers were copied off of 124 other students. Harvardians forced to take a leave for the 2004 cheating scandal came back to campus this September, hopefully having seen a little lux.
One University, under Commons, indivisible, with free admission for all. Yale has the secret to a good party figured out — other people. Those more used to being turned down from Finals Clubs are in for an awakening with a classic, campus-wide party in Commons tonight.
Harvardians, you are welcome here. The shining beacon of Nathan Hale will accept your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to Yale.
This Game Day in Yale history 2004 “WE SUCK,” Harvard says. Even JE cheers.
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