Honey, I supersized the kids! The Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity has updated their lists of the best and worst possible kids’ meal combinations from fast food chains. At the top of the best list was Arby’s Kraft mac & cheese with apple slices and bottled water which contains 205 calories. In fact, Kraft mac & cheese dominated the best list, appearing six times in the top 10 meals. Meanwhile, McDonald’s McDouble, french fries and soft drink came in as the very worst item on the worst list with 880 calories and 1,085 mgs of sodium.
Stairway to heaven. Technology has failed us all once again. The elevator in Ezra Stiles tower stopped working on Wednesday, forcing miserable Moose to climb stairs to their dorm rooms. Perhaps none suffered more than Dean of Ezra Stiles Camille Lizarribar whose residence is located on the top floors of the tower. In two emails to the Stiles community, Lizarribar signed her messages: “Yours in ‘I did not need stairmaster training today …’,” and “Yours in not-walking-the-dog-late-tonight.”
Tying the knot. Meanwhile in other Ezra Stiles news, the first annual Rope Saturday will be held this weekend. The game, which was “invented by hungover Stilesians,” involves tying two Stilesians together and seeing which couple lasts the longest. The last pair still able to stand each other wins.
A dip in performance. The 8th Annual Sexual Health Report Card college rankings from Trojan Condoms were released Wednesday and Yale did not perform as expected. “The big news on your campus? Yale came in at #13, dropping seven spots from 2012,” said Lindsey Edelman, a spokesperson for Trojan Condoms in an email to the News. Meanwhile, Princeton and Columbia took the top two places. Why the sudden difference between 2012 and 2013? How did Yale drop seven spots in one year? What happened, Class of 2017?
Abysmal math skills. A recent blog post from the Harvard Alumni Association compared Yale and Harvard by the numbers in an entry titled “Beating Yale by the Numbers.” The list illogically compared the number of current students and number of living alumni, both of which Harvard — a larger school — has more of, to attempt to prove Harvard’s superiority. Yet the focus on quantity over quality makes the validity of the comparison doubtful. The post was also dated Nov. 23, 2013 in another example of the writer’s poor grasp of numbers.
The 1K Facebook Comment. In a Y-Hack competition, $1000 is being given away to one of the top three most “liked” ideas written as comments on a Facebook status from Y-Hack. Here’s hoping for “LOL,” “trolling” and “One Button Brenzel” to make it into the top three because that would be hilarious.
This day in Yale history 1894 A large number of students attend a Whist Club meeting in Vanderbilt on Old Campus. It is decided that a Whist tournament will be held. Huzzah!