Friday, October 4:
Natural Disasters midterm. Davies Auditorium // 11:35 a.m. This class isn’t going to pass itself, you know.
Yale Anime Society presents: cowboy bebop. WLH // 7:30 p.m. All aboard the spaceship Bebop! Starring: exiled hitman Spike Spiegal and his crew of bounty hunters.
Not-So-Straight Frosh meeting. Women’s Center // 7 p.m. We are the 25 percent.
City-wide Open Studios opening party. Artspace, 50 Orange St. // 5 p.m. A festival celebrating the YUAG’s sexier, edgier little sister. Bar closes at 8 p.m.
Assisted back-cracking: Real friends step on the achy bones of other friends’ backs.
The ‘Work Bitch’ music video: A little Maserati never killed nobody.
Getting to know Charlie B. Johnson ’54: Even Santa doesn’t have $250 million to give away.
Banging like Douglas Plume ’16: As in, the gavel?
Saturday, October 5
Mystic Aquarium’s 40th birthday party! 55 Coogan Blvd., Mystic, Conn. // 9 a.m.-5 p.m. WKND will be there, y’all. Caressing the belugas. Tenderly.
The Great Awakening. Jonathan Edwards Courtyard // 5 p.m. Try to be as bougie as the rest of JE. Plus, WEEKEND hears there’ll be a mechanical shark.
Jazz at the Underbrook. Saybrook basement // 8 p.m. Get that smooth feel on with a trio of vibraphone, drums and double bass.
Yale Symphony Orchestra season opener. Woolsey Hall // 8-10 p.m. Shout out to J-Gerst and all her symphonic glory.
Mario Kart: Easier than Super Smash Bros., but with just as many opportunities to swear at your suitemates.
Stonehenge: A giant granite birthday cake / Or a prison far too easy to escape?
Calling your mom: She really misses you, y’all. Trust.
Stargazing on Science Hill: Optimal cuddling opportunity with your special someone.
Sunday, October 6
Fall Foliage Sails. Connecticut River Museum // 3 p.m. Take a cruise around the Connecticut River and enjoy the gorgeous colors of autumn. Because, leaves.
WEEKEND bless party. WKND Lounge // 8 p.m. Is your bless low? Come to the lounge. We provide bless.
Passive aggressive Post-It notes: Because your roommate’s penchant for “Wrecking Ball” just isn’t okay anymore.
Making the first move: If you’re reading this, it’s a sign. Just do it.