Replacing its current eRecruiting platform for jobs and internships, Undergraduate Career Services launched a new online resource system yesterday for students and alumni.
The new system — Yale UCS Symplicity — is an online site that allows students and employers to connect through various job and internship opportunities and is loosely similar to eRecruiting in format. Students can currently use the new system to sign up for the summer 2013 Yale-in-Washington, Yale-in-San-Francisco and Yale-in-New-York programs, as well as events hosted by Yale Clubs in several cities around the country.
According to a Wednesday email sent to students by UCS, the new system will be ready in several phases and will completely replace eRecruiting in the fall.
“There are a number of reasons we decided to make the transition to a new system, but the overarching reason is that the UCS Symplicity system will allow students more complete access to events, workshops, job opportunities and alumni networking through one interface,” said UCS Director Jeanine Dames.
Over the past few months, Dames added, UCS has been investigating different software options, of which it found Symplicity to be the “most powerful and versatile option.”
Within the new system, students can build a personal profile, apply and manage for jobs, peruse the University’s alumni professional network, and more. The Symplicity software also allows students to designate favorite employers, research clerkships, and view scheduled interviews.
UCS will send further updates to students as more features become available through the site during the summer months.