Both of the candidates for secretary hope to join the YCC executive board, but only one seems truly interested in the specifics of his chosen position.
For that reason, the News endorses Andrew Grass ’16.
Grass comes to the table with an extensive series of proposals to communicate with the student body. Grass also clearly understands the need for YCC executive board members to develop strong relationships with administrators.
This past year, the YCC sent out numerous surveys of questionable statistical merit; Grass’ plan to partner with the Office of Institutional Research to improve the YCC’s fact-finding capabilities will legitimize the council’s role as an aggregate of student opinion. And Grass’s impressive campaign website demonstrates he has the social media savvy to carry out his proposals to improve the YCC’s online presence without bombarding the student body with needless emails.
The Freshman Class Council is often limited to serving as a party-planning organization. But under Grass’ leadership as chair, the FCC organized a Day of Relaxation. Grass explained that the Day was an event-based way to tackle a campus policy issue, mental health, enabling the FCC to make an impact while staying within its mandate. We appreciate this unique approach, and hope Grass’ tenure will be similarly defined by creative solutions to common problems.
Rohan Goswami’s ’15 platform of policy proposals is worthwhile, but he should be running for president or vice president if he is more interested in crafting policy than fulfilling administrative tasks. Though Goswami would be a competent secretary, we believe Grass will excel at fulfilling the actual responsibilities the secretary position entails.
Grass understands the position of the secretary not as he wishes it to be, but as it needs to be to ensure competent communication.