It looks like this year’s race for Yale College Council President may not be uncontested after all.
Some Yalies have launched a mysterious Facebook page that has started soliciting students to “#VoteJodie” for YCC President. Yes, the Facebook is seeking votes for Jodie Foster ’85, the Academy Award-winning actress and Hollywood A-lister. In her alleged candidacy statement, Foster vows to “make Contact with every Inside Man and Taxi Driver on campus. Call me a Maverick, but I have a Flightplan for A Very Long Engagement with Yale. #VoteJodie.”
Surprisingly, her impromptu campaign manager could not figure out a wholesome way of incorporating the title of her most famous film, “The Silence of the Lambs.”
While the Facebook exhibits Yale student’s typical sense of humor, it perhaps also speaks to lack of candidates running for student government this year. For the first time in the YCC’s history, more than one race will go uncontested: President, Vice President and Events Director.