While figuring out the perfect career path is still a painfully extensive journey for most Yalies, at least the physical distance to potential opportunities is about to get a lot shorter.

Beginning this Friday, Undergraduate Career Services — the umbrella organization that offers hundreds of internships, recruitment sessions and career opportunities to Yale College students, drawing thousands of applicants each year — will host a regular “satellite” office in Dwight Hall.

According to UCS Director Jeanine Dames, the satellite office will feature a UCS adviser who will host open hours in the Dwight Hall library every Friday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. for the rest of the year. Students will be able to seek career and internship advice from professionals right in Old Campus.

Dwight Hall is located at 67 High St. — 0.7 miles away by foot from 55 Whitney Ave., where both the official UCS office and the Center for International and Professional Experience office are located: For the timely-minded, that’s a full 12 minutes of walking that you’ll now be able to save.