Beyond downtown. On Thursday night, the Yale-New Haven Hospital held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new clinic space in North Haven, marking an end to the three-year effort to build the community-based outpatient facility. The center will offer a full range of services, including lab work and radiology.

If you thought flying couldn’t get more rough, think again. New Haven’s Tweed Airport has been placed on a list of 238 small airports around the country that might face $86 billion in automatic, across-the-board federal budget cuts scheduled to take place today. If so, the cuts would take effect in April, according to a joint statement by the Federal Aviation Administration and the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Urban design. Five Yale graduate students have been named finalists in the Urban Land Institute’s annual urban design competition, a venture that may win them $50,000 and the opportunity to contribute to the city’s long-term development. Titled “MinneDi,” short for “Minneapolis Millennial Innovation District,” the group’s proposal centered on the city’s thriving creative industry and aimed to attract recent college graduates.

Fifteen minutes of fame. Both WYBC General Manager Konrad Coutinho ’13 and the radio station’s studio made a special guest appearance on “Made,” a self-improvement reality television series broadcast on MTV.  In the clip, students discuss the work of anti-bullying organization “Mean Stinks” against the backdrop of WYBC’s studio.

Life of a diplomat. Yale alum and recently confirmed Secretary of State John Kerry ’66 announced on Thursday that the U.S. government will provide the Syrian opposition with nonlethal aid — including food and medical supplies — as well as $60 million in assistance to rebel forces. The decision marks a significant policy shift in the American position regarding Syria.

Rap city. Yale rapper Da Legend has continued the Elm City’s thriving rap scene with a new music video titled “Anything Goes Down.” In the 3:10 minute video, Da Legend drops some beats next to a number of Yale locales, including Old Campus and the walkway by the Yale Bookstore.

THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1919 The Academic Student Council votes to review the cases of each major team athlete who has been placed on probation. Council members will speak with each athlete and see whether tutoring arrangements can be made for those struggling with their academics.

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